Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CheHellYes! memories

We have had some 10 days to reflect on the meaning of our independence. On the meaning of "going up to country", on the meaning of blowing shit the fuck up.

We have been inspired by the generosity of those around us.

There was significant posing, and bruising, and and swimming, and sinking (of boats) and arrests, and drinking and fashion. And really when are explosions not in fashion? Thanks to our Cooperclan hosts who made us feel at home in the woods.

Here's a bit of possibly related history about a group of Romans from way back in the day:

Apparelntly we even pick up after ourselves. By leaving the place mostly cleaner than how we found it and not being total jerks we will likely have a place to go escape to in the future. Might we return before next year?

Click on any of the pictures for more higher quality. Go on, you deserve it.

On a sad note about 10% of our campers seemed to have lost/misplaced/have had stolen a camping chair or 2. Also most people have lost some dignity. Such is the nature of CheHellYes! You can take our stuff but you can't take our freedom! (and besides whiskey is for sharing.)

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